Water Distribution

Sheldon Irvin, Central Lines Superintendent

Central Lines is responsible for the maintenance, repair and minor construction of the City's Water Distribution systems. Citizens may report after-hour emergencies, such as broken water mains, broken fire hydrants, by calling 229-434-4132.

Broken / Leaking Water Meter

If water is leaking from your water meter, the meter is broken, and/or the meter box is damaged, please contact the Utilities Department at 229-259-3592 and personnel will be dispatched to assess and correct the problem.

Broken / Leaking Water Main

The City of Valdosta maintains all water mains in the street right-of-way of the City. If you observe a broken main, water running from the ground or a paved surface, or a leaking fire hydrant, please contact the Utilities Department.

Broken / Leaking Water Pipes

The City of Valdosta maintains all water mains and services in the street right-of-way up to the water meter. If pipes are broken after the meter or inside the building, the repair is the responsibility of the property owner. If there is an emergency requiring the water to be shut off to stop damage or to make an emergency repair, please contact the Utilities Department at 229-259–3592 and personnel will be dispatched to shut off the water.

Who do I call?

Swimming Pools

Swimming pools in the City of Valdosta should be filled from the water pipes and water meter serving the property on which the pool is located. Residential customers are billed for water and sewer service by the winter average method and water used in a pool will be billed properly without notifying the City. Commercial customers should contact the Meter Reading Division at 229-259-3552 prior to filling the pool. Readings will be taken to determine the amount of credit due to the account for sewer charges for commercial accounts.

Fire Hydrant Maintenance

Fire hydrants are an important part of the City water distribution system.  Fire Hydrants are used to supply water to the Fire Department for fighting fires and used by the water department for maintaining and flushing of the system.  Hydrants are tested at least annually by the Fire Department to ensure proper operation when needed and are repaired by the water department when needed.  Persons who observe leaking or broken hydrants should call the Utilities Department at 229-259–3592 between 8:00 – 5:00 or 229-333–1832 after hours.

Fire Flow Information

The Fire Department maintains records concerning the availability of water from all fire hydrants in the City.  Engineers, architects, and others needing fire flow information should call Fire Station 1 at 229-333–1836.

Fire Hydrant Usage

The use of fire hydrants in the City of Valdosta by private individuals is prohibited unless special permission is granted and a meter has been issued to measure the water used. Persons with a special need for one-time use of a hydrant to obtain a large volume of water for construction purposes may obtain permission at the Utilities Department located at 1016 Myrtle Street to use a hydrant, meter, and wrench for operating the hydrant. If the need is for a continuing use of water, such as for construction of a building, please contact the Utilities Department between 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM to discuss an alternate source of water. Residential type pools should normally be filled from the water meter serving the residence.

Illegal Use of Fire Hydrant

Fire hydrants are for the purpose of providing water for the Fire Department to use for fighting fires and for the use of the Utilities Department when flushing and servicing water mains. Use of hydrants without permission of the City is strictly prohibited, as this may prevent use during an emergency or may deplete the water supply. Persons with permission will be issued a meter to attach directly to the hydrant. Hydrants being used without a meter should be reported to the Fire Department at 229-242–2606 or Utilities Department at 229-259–3592.

Broken Fire Hydrants

Persons observing leaking or broken fire hydrants between 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM should notify the Utilities Department at 229-259–3592.  After hours, please call 229-333-1832.

Director of Utilities

1016 Myrtle Street 
Valdosta, Georgia 31601

Upcoming Events
Repeats every month on the first Friday 48 times.
03/07/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
04/04/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
05/02/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm