Mud Creek

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit

Kenneth Lowe, Plant Superintendent
1638 New Statenville Hwy.
Valdosta, Georgia 31606
Phone: 229-333-1855 or 229-259-5422

Treatment Process

Wastewater is treated through a series of mechanical and biological processes to assist nature with the removal of pollutants introduced by humans during the use of water. The Mud Creek WPCP is designed to process domestic, commercial, and light industrial wastewater to meet Georgia EPD's, (Environmental Protection Division) NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) requirements, and effluent quality limitations have been written into the plant's NPDES discharge permit. When properly operated, the effluent discharged by the Mud Creek WPCP conforms to the water quality standards established in the NPDES permit.

The most recent expansion in 2012 included building a new treatment process and upgrading existing structures to a modified Ludzack-Ettinger Process (MLE). Innovative technologies, including high-efficiency turbo blowers, high-level ultraviolet disinfection, fine bubble diffusion system and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system were incorporated to improve the efficiency of plant operations and maintenance and to meet the new permit effluent limits.

Major process systems listed below in order of flow through the treatment plant

  • Treatment Plant Influent Pumping Station (IPS)
  • Plant Headworks
  • Activated Sludge Process
  • Tertiary Filtration System
  • Reaeration System
  • Ultra-violet (UV) Disinfection
  • Outfall
  • Chemical Storage and Feed system
  • Solids Handling Systems

Treatment Plant Utilities

  • Plant Potable Water system
  • Plant Reuse Water

Treatment Plant Operation and Maintenance (O/M)

The operation of the treatment plant is 24/7, with three eight-hour shifts.

All treatment plant operators are certified State of Georgia Wastewater Treatment System Operators.

All the maintenance at the facility is performed by Central Maintenance personnel.

Request a Plant Tour

The Utilities Department has an active public education program and conducts tours and classes for hundreds of students of all ages throughout the year at its two wastewater plants, as well as at its water plant. The wastewater plants have frequent visits from the public and various wastewater professionals from all over the Southeast. To request a tour of the plant, contact Mud Creek at 229-333-1855 between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Groups of up to 100 people may be accommodated at one time if prior notice is given, and after-hours visits may also be arranged by special request.


Director of Utilities

1016 Myrtle Street 
Valdosta, Georgia 31601

Upcoming Events
Repeats every month on the first Friday 48 times.
03/07/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
04/04/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
05/02/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm