Public Art Advisory Committee


The City of Valdosta created the Public Art Program to further the purchase and foster the appreciation of works of public art and to promote the creation of works of art and the purchase of same for the citizens and the City of Valdosta in order to promote the aesthetic value to the entire community. The Program also encourages the preservation and protection of works of public art and to encourage economic development.


The Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) members will be appointed by Mayor and Council of the City of Valdosta to administer the Public Art Program.  The Public Art Advisory Committee shall consist of nine (9) members.  Five (5) members appointed from the membership of the Lowndes‑Valdosta Art Commission, including at least two (2) professional artists and at least two (2) members from the Board of Directors of the Lowndes‑Valdosta Art Commission.  One (1) member from the general membership of the Lowndes‑Valdosta Art Commission.  Four (4) members of the Public Art Advisory Committee shall be members of the community at large.  The initial Board and terms shall be appointed by Mayor and Council as follows:  one (1) professional artist who is a member of the Lowndes‑Valdosta Art Commission, one (1) Board member of Lowndes‑Valdosta Art Commission and one (1) member from the community at large for a term of three (3) years; one (1) professional artist who is a member of the Lowndes‑Valdosta Art Commission, one (1) member of the Board of Lowndes‑Valdosta Art Commission and one (1) member from the community at large for a term of two (2) years; one (1) member at large from the Lowndes‑Valdosta Art Commission for a term of one (1) year; two (2) members from the community of the City of Valdosta for a term of one (1) year.  Thereafter members shall be appointed to three (3) year terms.  The Ex-Officio members shall include a representative of the following City Departments to be determined by the City Manager and the Department Head:  Finance, Planning and Zoning, and Public Works.  Ex-Officio members shall also include the City Manager and the Mayor or the Mayor’s representative as appointed by the Mayor.  Five (5) members shall reside, own property or work within the corporate limits of the City of Valdosta.  The remaining four (4) members shall be from the community at large.

  • Thrssea Boyd - LVAC Board Member(Fill the unexpired term of Dr. Beverly Richardson-Blake rolled off the LVAC Board ) - Term Expires 06/01/25
  • Steven S. Walker (LVAC Professional Artist) - Term Expires 06/01/25
  • Ramiro Santillan (LVAC Professional Artist) - Term Expires 06/01/27
  • Vickie Everitte (LVAC Board Member) - Term Expires 06/01/27
  • Dr. Stephen Lahr (LVAC Member at Large) - Chairman - Term Expires 06/01/26
  • Monika Meler (Fill the unexpired term of Michele Corbitt - Community at Large) - Term Expires 06/01/25
  • Dr. Beverly Richardson-Blake (Community at Large) - Term Expires 06/01/27
  • Cheryl Oliver (Community at Large) - Secretary - Term Expires 06/01/26
  • Annette Crosby (Community at Large) - Treasurer - Term Expires 06/01/26

Ex Officio

  • Mayor Scott James Matheson
  • City Manager Richard Hardy
  • Vacant - City's Finance Department
  • Vacant - City's Planning & Zoning Department
  • Vacant - City's Public Works Department


The Public Art Advisory Committee shall have the following powers and duties:  (a) The Committee shall act as an advisory body to the Mayor and the City Council and as an advocate for public arts and aesthetics in all aspects of city life.  It shall encourage, develop and support a variety of programs which reflect the cultural art needs and experience of all citizens and shall encourage participation by all citizens in the cultural art activities carried on in the City; (b) Develop, maintain, and update a Public Art Master Plan identifying locations for public artwork; (c) Develop Public Art Program Guidelines and amendments thereto as deemed appropriate; (d) Approve the location and installation of artwork based on Public Art Program Guidelines; and (e) Request annual funding from various public, private, foundation and other potential sources to support the capital and operational needs of the Public Art program.


The Public Art Advisory Committee will meet the third Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at the Turner Center for the Art, 527 North Patterson Street.   View the 2024 Public Art Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule.

Interested in Serving

Any City resident interested in serving on the Public Art Advisory Committee should submit a completed General Membership Application and a signed Code of Ethics Form to Teresa Bolden, City Clerk,  located in the City Manager and Mayor's office in City Hall, 216 East Central Avenue, Valdosta, GA 31601. 

More Information

For more information, please contact Teresa Bolden, City Clerk, at (229) 259-3503 or E-mail  or contact Dr. Stephen Lahr, Chairman of the PAAC, at (229) 244-1188 or E-mail.