Master Stormwater Management Plan

In November 2010, the City of Valdosta completed the update to its Master Stormwater Management Plan. This document will ensure that the City's policies, activities, and programs address existing and future conflicts between flooding and development, while improving water quality and protecting our natural resources. The Master Stormwater Management Plan is intended to guide upgrades and expansion of the stormwater conveyance system within the City over the next 20 years.

City of Valdosta - Master Stormwater Management Plan 2010

Table of Contents
Section 1: Data Review and Discussion
Section 2: Methodology
Section 3: Sugar Creek Geomorphologic Assessment
Section 4: Withlacoochee Basin
- Browns Canal
- Cherry Creek & Stillhouse Branch
- Hightower Creek
- One Mile Branch
- Sugar Creek
- Two Mile Branch
- Three Mile Branch
Section 5: Mud Swamp Creek Basin (Dukes Bay Canal)
Section 6: Summary and Recommendations

2010 Stormwater Master Plan Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)

Background Information

Due to the significant growth that Valdosta has experienced, the City selected Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) in December 2008 to update the 1996 SWMP. The update includes:

  • Definitions of levels of service
  • Establishment of a benchmark network
  • Geomorphic assessment
  • Update and upgrade of existing models
  • Identification of problem areas
  • Development of flood control and water quality improvements
  • Ranking of future capital improvement projects

A key component to the Master Stormwater Management Plan update was community involvement. To include the public's involvement, a 15-member Stormwater Committee (SWC) was formed. The objective of the SWC was to engage the public, provide education on the complexity of stormwater, and assist with the development of a set of recommendations that would be presented to City Council.

Stormwater Committee Members

  1. Elliott Norwood - District 1
  2. Rodney Flucas - District 2
  3. Sonny Vickers - District 3
  4. Danny Parkinson - District 4
  5. Alan Sanderson - District 5
  6. Elton Cowart - District 6
  7. Jeff Lovell - At Large
  8. Can Denizman
  9. Ginny Holton
  10. Danny Rountree
  11. Angela Bray
  12. Dan Deaver
  13. Connie Ledbetter
  14. Henry Calhoun
  15. Danny Sermons

Additional SWC Meeting Information

The SWC input was used to guide the recommendations for the City's capital improvement and operating programs. In addition, new policies and development standards were recommended that will affect the way future development is conducted within the City of Valdosta. Implementation of the Master Stormwater Management Plan will require the active involvement and cooperation of all property owners, City departments, and State and Federal agencies.

For more information, please contact Angela Bray, Stormwater Manager at 229-259-3530 or send an email to the Stormwater Division.

Stormwater Division
(229) 259-3530
Stormwater/Arbor Manager
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