Drainage and Maintenance

In Valdosta, stormwater runoff is channeled through a complex system of catch basins, drainage pipes, outfalls, ditches, ponds, culverts, and wetlands which flow directly into our waterways. The Stormwater Division maintains these structures in order to keep them functioning properly.

Flooding or Drainage Problems

The City of Valdosta's stormwater system is designed to prevent flooding by transporting water away from developed areas. If you notice any broken and/or blocked storm drain or are experiencing some form of flooding, please contact the Engineering Department at 229-259–3530 between 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and personnel will be dispatched to assist you. If it is after hours, please call 229-333–1832.

Maintenance Request

If you notice or experience any stormwater structure that is not operating correctly, please contact the Engineering Department at 229-259-3530. If it is after hours, please call 229-333-1832.

For more information, please contact the Stormwater Manager at 229-259-3530 or send an email to the Stormwater Division.

Nuisance Animals / Wildlife

The city does actively remove beaver dams to ensure proper flow of water; however, does not trap and/or remove any animals. If you notice or experience any nuisance animals and/or wildlife, here are a list of potential resources:

All other issues related to snakes, rodents, possums, lizards, etc. should be referred to a private wildlife trapper company and/or exterminator depending on the animal and issue.

Stormwater Division
(229) 259-3530
Stormwater/Arbor Manager
Upcoming Events
Repeats every month on the first Friday 48 times.
03/07/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
04/04/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
05/02/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm