Monthly Statistics

Stormwater and Arbor Report
Projects / Activities
Participated in our GIC Grant Conference Presentation - 11/06
Attended the Tree Commission Meeting - 11/11
Presented at VSU's Urban Planning class over stormwater - 11/19
Attended Council Meeting to discuss Chapter 328 - 11/21
Held a curb marker event - 11/27
Hosted River's Alive Event - 11/27
Continued working on city's Stormwater Annual Report
Continued Helene cleanup/assessments
Started the Tree City USA Application
Assisted making float decorations
Completed Ravenwood CIPP pipe repair
Maintenance Jan FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Pipe cleaned (ft)1,674976632,964437,04117733,80711,65555230 30281
Pipe Inspected (ft)19,30917,23216,52214,91912,61311,0163786730,52122,39219,89614,156 216443
Canals cut (ft)16,71540,48832,78533,79421,56720,99232,77119,03615,768NA16,200 250116
Catch basins inspected17413712912412312219119089235117 1631
Catch basins cleaned1137271664512153NA72 244
Catch basins repaired864351252602 53
Beaver dams (hrs)7271748220223948NA18 293
Streets swept (miles) - Routes 1-11 30622715622617815529215113960 1836
Outfalls inspected0700024290022NA11 156
Illicit discharges found00000000000 0
Rainfall (7 rain guage average in inches) 43.65
Dig/grade ditches/swale 3472732161081203 122
Trees (removed)253815056TMTCTMTC11 55
Trees (trimmed)622410339355536352494328532TMTC0 3968
Trees or limbs (fell)21457283013884TMTCTMTC2 247
Trees planted 056000000000 56
*Note: The Arbor Division is currenlty working with the Stormwater Division. No trees will be trimmed until the right-of-way has been completely cleared by FEMA Contractors OR unless a citizen work order is generated.
*TMTC - Too Many To Count - staff was not required to keep records after Helene and  through the month of October.