Applications & Fees


Sign Applications

Application for a permit to erect or otherwise post a sign in the City of Valdosta.


Annexation Application

Upon a property owner's request, the Mayor-Council may consider voluntary annexation of a property in compliance with Georgia Law (O.C.G.A. Title 36). Annexation applications must be submitted concurrently with a Rezoning application to the Planning and Zoning Office. Prior to submittal, a Pre-Application meeting must be scheduled with Planning and Zoning staff. Annexation requests are considered at advertised public hearings with the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission for recommendation, and then the Valdosta City Council for final decision.


No request for property to be deannexed from the incorporated limits of the City into unincorporated Lowndes County can be accepted, until a Resolution of Deannexation has first been approved by the County Commission to accept the property. If this Resolution is approved, a deannexation application accompanied by a copy of the approved Resolution may then be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Office. Prior to submittal, a Pre-Application meeting must be scheduled with Planning and Zoning staff. Final approval of deannexation is at the sole discretion of the Valdosta City Council.

HPC Certificate Of Appropriateness

HPC Certificate of Appropriateness Application

A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is required before a person may undertake any exterior material change in the appearance of a building or site located within the Local Historic District. These applications are decided on by the Historic Preservation Commission.

HPC Adminstrative Review

HPC Administrative Application

Certain minor exterior material changes in the appearance of buildings or sites located within the Local Historic District, including signs, may be approved through the submittal of an Administrative Review Application (ARA). As HPC Administrator, the Special Projects/Historic Preservation Planner decides these applications.


Rezoning Application

Applications may be submitted by property owners requesting to change the zoning of their property. Applications are sent to the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission for recommendation and the Valdosta City Council for final decision.

Conditional Use Permit

Conditional Use Application 

Certain uses within the City of Valdosta Zoning Ordinance require additional approval from the City Council. Applications are sent to the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission for recommendation and the Valdosta City Council for final decision.


Variance Application

In cases of verified hardship, property owners may request a variance to the City's development standards. These applications are decided on by the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Administrative Variance

Administrative Variance Application

In specific circumstances, Administrative Variances may be approved. These applications are reviewed by the relevant departments with final approval determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator

Application Fees

Application fees vary depending on the request and certified mail costs. View the current Fee Schedule for the Planning and Zoning Division.

Application Process

The Planning and Zoning Division processes all of the above applications on a monthly basis. Annexation, Rezoning, and Conditional Use applications are heard by the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) and the Valdosta City Council. Variance applications are heard by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA). Prior to the presentation of the application at the respective governing body, the various City departments have opportunity to provide comments. This ensures a complete review and that all possible issues are identified early. These applications typically take 45-60 days to reach the final action.

Certificate of Appropriateness Applications are decided by the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). These applications typically take 30 days to reach the final action.

Application Deadlines

All applications, with the exception of the HPC applications (Certificate of Appropriateness or Administrative Review and Approval), must be submitted by the 15th of each month, or the business day prior in case of a weekend or holiday. These cases are considered by the appropriate body approximately 4-5 weeks after the deadline date on which they were received. This time frame allows for legal advertisement of the cases, notification of adjacent property owners by certified mail, and posting of public notice signs on the property.

HPC Certificate of Appropriateness applications must be submitted by the 15th of each month, or the next business day if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday. These cases are heard by the HPC the first Monday of the following month. This time frame allows for legal posting of public notice signs on the property. There is no deadline for submitting HPC Administrative Review and Approval applications; however, the HPC Administrator is allowed up to three (3) business days to decide on the application.

Planning Division
Planning Director

Valdosta City Hall Annex
300 North Lee Street, Room #111
Valdosta, GA 31601

Upcoming Events
Repeats every month on the first Friday 48 times.
04/04/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
05/02/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
06/06/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm