Central Lines Division

Sheldon Irvin, Central Lines Superintendent
Bobby Smith, Central Lines Assistant Superintendent

The Central Lines Division is responsible for the maintenance, repair and minor construction of the City's Water Distribution and Sanitary Sewer Collection systems. The Division is also responsible for performing water and sewer line locates as requested through Georgia 811. Citizens may report after-hour emergencies, such as broken water mains, broken fire hydrants, broken sewer mains, sewer overflows, sewer odors and blockages, by calling 229-333-1832.

Water and Sewer System Facts

  • 422 miles of water mains
  • 3,560 fire hydrants
  • 6,345 water valves
  • 327 miles of gravity sanitary sewer mains
  • 6,555 sanitary sewer manholes
  • 34 miles of force mains

New Construction:  Meter Installation / Sewer Location

All water meters for new water service in the City of Valdosta must be purchased from the City. In residential subdivisions, the developer installs the water and sewer services before the lots are sold. On existing streets and in commercial areas where new water meters and sewer services are required, the builder must hire a Utility Contractor to install the needed services after obtaining a permit from the Engineering Department.

The meter and sewer connection fees must be paid at the Office of Permits and Inspections (300 North Lee Street) at the time the plumbing permit is obtained. The work order for installation of the meter or location of the sewer service is transferred electronically to the Utilities Department.  As soon as possible after a 72 hour period to allow for location of other utilities, the Utilities Department will install the meter and locate the sewer service.

Underground Locates / Call Before You Dig

State law requires that any person digging anywhere in Georgia must notify all utility companies and give them 72 hours prior notice to mark their underground facilities before starting to dig. The City of Valdosta Utilities Department, like most utility companies in the state, is a member of the Utility Protection Center (UPC). The UPC provides a service for all members by receiving calls for locate requests and transmitting the information by computer to its members.

If you're planning to dig, please call 811 or visit Georgia 811 website.



Director of Utilities

1016 Myrtle Street 
Valdosta, Georgia 31601

Upcoming Events
Repeats every month on the first Friday 48 times.
03/07/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
04/04/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
05/02/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm