Plan Submittal Requirements
Beginning July 1, 2024, the plan review fee will increase from 25% to 35% of the permit fee.
Plans are required for Commercial Projects, and a plan review fee is required to be paid at the time of submittal. There is a minimum fee of $100.00.
The list below details the minimum requirements for plan submittal. The applicable departments will review your plans and approve or disapprove. If the project is disapproved and revisions/addendums need to be submitted there will be a fee of $25.00 required at the time of re-submittal. This fee will be charged for each re-submittal so waiting until all reviews have been done is recommended so that you only re-submit once with all the revisions if any are required.
Once the project is approved and permitted, if any revisions/addendums need to be submitted there will be a fee of $25.00 required as well.
Title Sheet
- Project name
- Address
- Map/Parcel
- Site location map
- General notes
- Index
- Total site acreage
- Pervious/green space acreage
- Impervious acreage (square feet)
Site Plan
- Lot/Property lines
- Setbacks
- Streets, sidewalks, handicap ramp
- Building(s) sites
- Major landscape features
- Signs
- Parking layout, including handicap
- Storm water pond
- Entrances and exits
Civil Drawings
- Lot/Property lines
- Soil erosion and sedimentation
- Parking layout, sidewalks, streets, handicap ramps, etc
- Existing and proposed utilities
- Easements
- Grading plan
- Finish floor elevation
- Elevation Certificate
- Drainage and retention/detention plan
- Location and detail of signs (new or existing)
- Site lighting and footing details
- Details/Profiles
Landscape Drawings
- Total linear feet of the primary street yard
- Total linear feet of the secondary street yard (if applicable)
- Total linear feet of the side and rear yards
- Total Square footage of the vehicular use area
- Parking layout including islands
- Total green space (15% minimum)
- Name, size and location of new plant material
- Name, size and location of existing plant material
- Location of retention/detention ponds
- Location of outdoor storage or dumpster
Architectural Drawings
- Life Safety plan
- Structural
- Foundation plan
- Floor plan with dimensions and total square footage
- Exterior elevations
- Wall sections and details
- Certificate of Appropriateness (applies to building in the Historic Districts)
- Engineered stamped metal building drawings
Fire Extinguishing System Drawings
- Fire extinguishers
- Emergency lights
- Exit lights
- Sprinkler system (if required)
Plumbing Plans
- Wastewater riser diagram and details
- Backflow preventer
- Thermal expansion device (all tank type water heaters if required)
- Location of drinking fountain(s)
- Fixture schedule
- Grease trap (if required)
- Sand and oil separator (if required)
Electrical Plans
- Electrical layout, details, riser diagrams, overhead and underground
- Electrical load calculations
- Panel schedule
- Fire alarm system
- Location of all exit signs and emergency lighting
Mechanical Plans
- Heating and air conditioning layout
- Exhaust hood and duct details (NFPA 96)
- Fixed extinguishing systems
- Gas lines and piping
- Details including CFMs, Btu/h input, access and clearances
- Location of all outdoor intakes
- Condensate disposal
- Details of all duct penetrations through fire resistance rated assemblies including shaft, fire dampers and smoke damper locations
Energy Code Compliance Certification
- COMcheck for commercial construction

Valdosta City Hall Annex
300 N. Lee Street
Valdosta, GA 31601