Valdosta Mayor and City Council Set Goals for FY 2018

View full list on city website on Mayor & Council Goals web page.

The Valdosta Mayor and City Council held their annual retreat on March 11-12. The annual retreat allows for the city's top officials to spend an uninterrupted length of time discussing important issues and setting a number of goals for Fiscal Year 2018.

After two days of discussions about the city's top priorities, city officials set the following 12 community-focused goals for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017:


  1. Review the Land Development Regulations (LDR) for modifications to the requirements for the replacement of owner-occupied manufactured homes to include a requirement for assisting homeowners with housing options.
  2. Hold meetings of city elected officials and staff with the city school system and parents to identify and encourage good life decisions for our youth and to help prepare them for future success.
  3. Continue to work with the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), county and other entities to pursue public transportation in the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) urbanized area.
  4. Carry out the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) plan as amended through 2019.
  5. Continue to work in partnership with the Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority and others to enhance economic development in the city and the community.
  6. In collaboration with the Valdosta Housing Authority, develop a plan to gain public and private support for a mixed-use housing development.
  7. Continue discussions with the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority and appoint a Municipal Auditorium Steering Committee to discuss a public facility project to include funding, location, sale of Mathis Auditorium, and a timeline.
  8. Continue to support economic development downtown in partnership with the Central Valdosta Development Authority (CVDA).
  9. Collaborate with community and regional leaders to continue advocacy efforts on behalf of Moody Air Force Base in support of its value to national defense and our community and seek opportunities for base growth and expansion in preparation for any potential future Base Realignment and Closure Commissions (BRAC).
  10. Continue to operate the city in fiscally responsible manner.
  11. Develop a list of transportation projects in preparation for a regional T-SPLOST for the 18-county area.
  12. Set up a meeting with other governments and authorities in an effort to share current activities and establish a future community-wide vision and common goals.

The mayor and council also approved more than a dozen action items, which include a continued communication of the city's investment in its wastewater treatment system, recommendations for term limits on board appointments, review of ordinances and the City Charter, and the development of plans to upgrade the council chambers with video, audio and necessary repairs to City Hall.

The entire list of goals and action items are posted on the city's website. For more information, contact City Hall at 229-259-3500.