The City of Valdosta Announces the Re-Opening of 5-Points Recycling Center  

The City of Valdosta is pleased to announce the reopening of the 5 Points Recycling Center, effective Monday, November 20. This facility plays a crucial role in our community's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Residents are encouraged to participate in the recycling program by depositing only appropriate items in the recycling bins. It is important to note that bulk items should be kept out of the recycling bins to ensure the efficiency of the recycling process.

Anthony Musgrove, Public Works Director, emphasizes the significance of responsible recycling practices. He states, "We appreciate the cooperation of Valdosta residents in helping us maintain the integrity of the recycling process. By only recycling appropriate items, we can maximize the positive impact on our environment."

The 5 Points Recycling Center provides a convenient location for residents to contribute to the reduction of waste and the conservation of valuable resources. The City of Valdosta remains committed to promoting sustainable practices and encourages residents to take advantage of this facility.

For more information on acceptable recyclable items and guidelines, residents can visit the City of Valdosta's official website or contact the Public Works Department.

We look forward to the continued support and collaboration of Valdosta residents in making our community a cleaner and more environmentally conscious place to live. Thank you for your commitment to a greener Valdosta.