City of Valdosta staff kick off 'Love Where You Live' campaign

In honor of National Public Works Week, the City of Valdosta public works staff have rolled out a new campaign focused on anti-littering.

The educational campaign is called 'Love Where You Live.' Public Works staff from the City of Valdosta visited W.G. Nunn Elementary on Tuesday for the kick-off event. The campaign focuses on empowering everyone to come together, strengthen the community, and keep it beautiful, trash free!

"We, as the City of Valdosta employees, do a great job of picking up the litter but that's not going to solve the problem. What we want to do is get everyone involved," said Public Works Director, Richard Hardy. "It doesn't matter how well you cut the grass or how well you maintain the streets, the first thing you see is that litter."

Love Where You Live is not a one day event, it's a commitment to help others and the beautiful community in which we live year round. Love Where You Live will transform our community!

Studies from non-profit organizations around the nation that focus on keeping communities beautiful have shown that anti-litter efforts impact economic development, the housing market, unity among neighbors, tourism and animal health

"Love Where You Live will be about changing attitudes toward responsibility for litter and making it a community wide effort," said City Manager, Mark Barber. "Through this new campaign we will create a beautiful environment and work together making Valdosta a great place to live, work, and play."

We want to spread the "Love Where You Live" campaign message using social media as well. Make sure to follow the City of Valdosta's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. If you are out and take a picture of the beautiful community use the hashtag #LoveWhereYouLive and tag the city's page.