James Dean Honored as January 2017 Employee of the Month

IN PHOTO: Assistant City Manager Mark Barber, City Marshal James Dean and Mayor John Gayle.

Valdosta Mayor John Gayle and Assistant City Manager Mark Barber honored City Marshal James Dean as the January 2017 Employee of the Month at the Jan. 5 City Council meeting. Dean received a framed certificate and a check for $200, and his name appears on a plaque displayed in City Hall.

Since 1999, Dean has served as a City Marshal, where he is responsible for inspecting properties and notifying owners/tenants of City Code violations within his district, conducting business licenses checks, and verifying current tax certificates. He also monitors code violations reported via the Valdosta Click 'N Fix mobile app and presents code violation cases to Municipal Court.

Each time an initiative is brought forth to improve conditions in the City, Dean is available to assist in the process. He is also involved in a number of community improvement activities, such as the City's Southern Hospitality Group Work Camps, Bulk Trash Amnesty Days and the Azalea City Yard Showcase. Each of these activities involves working weekends, attending meetings, and assisting with coordinating sites, materials, and resources—all of which Dean willingly participates in for the betterment of the community.

When a disabled homeowner was recently found to be living in an unsafe, substandard home, Dean assisted in the process of getting a new home built through the city's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. During the construction phases, James kept in touch with the resident to make sure he understood and followed through with his applications and program requirements, which went beyond James' duties in Code Enforcement.

Dean also serves his fellow city employees by serving selflessly at the Annual Employee Appreciation Luncheon during Georgia Cities Week and the Thanksgiving Luncheon.

The City of Valdosta applauds City Marshal James Dean for going above and beyond the call of duty and for being named the January 2017 Employee of the Month.