Mayor's Council for Persons with Disabilities Hosts Community Fair
People with disabilities will soon have the opportunity to browse community resources that impact their quality of life, all under one roof, at an event sponsored by the Valdosta Mayor's Council for Persons with Disabilities (MCPD) on Saturday, Oct. 15. The Community Resource Fair for Persons with Disabilities will take place at Mathis City Auditorium, located at 2300 N. Ashley Street, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
This free resource fair will be a one-stop shop for persons with disabilities, providing information and assistance from more than 20 local organization who serve people with various disabilities in areas such as employment, housing, equipment, education, counseling, community and family support, legal service and advocacy.
"Three years ago, I suffered a stroke and lost all peripheral vision to my left. Newly disabled, I found my way into an MCPD meeting and learned about services available to me that I didn't even know exists," said Greg Patscheck, now a board member for the MCPD. "Hopefully, this resource fair will provide that same exposure to others who are disabled, as well as garner support from people and organizations who are not."
The event also seeks to raise awareness in residents who are not disabled, providing information on issues that persons with disabilities face. The goal is that this exchange of information will help improve the quality of life for all residents.
"I'm grateful to have a Mayor's Council for Persons with Disabilities served by members who diligently work to address the real quality of life issues faced daily by those in our community with disabilities," said Mayor John Gayle. "We serve all residents of this great community, and each—whether abled or differently-abled—should feel that he or she is a valued member of our society. I invite all residents of this community to attend the October 15 event and hope to offer this event each year thereafter."
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