Pokémon Go, But Go Safely

Pokémon Go is the latest mobile app craze to sweep the nation, and Valdosta is no exception. Citizens are coming from all over the city to the beautiful downtown area because of its abundance of PokéStops (real-life locations that are central to the game).

The City encourages players to enjoy the vibrant cultural and historic sites of Downtown Valdosta, but Police Chief Brian Childress also urges citizens to make safety a priority when playing the game, whether in downtown or in another part of the City. Follow these tips to ensure a fun, harmless and responsible Pokémon Go experience for yourself and those around you:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Don't let the latest craze replace your common sense. Remember to always look both ways when crossing the street. Take time away from your phone screen to watch where you're going and make sure you are not endangering yourself or anyone else.
  • Keep yourself out of danger. If playing at night, always remain in a well-lit area and do not wander alone or into areas that aren't familiar to you.
  • Don't drive and Pokémon. Catching a new game character can be distracting and isn't worth an accident or fatality. Designate a driver, or park the vehicle to play.
  • Clean up after yourself. When traveling around the city to play the game, take in the great sights but don't leave your trash and other litter. Be respectful of both public and private property.

"We are excited about the additional foot traffic in our downtown area and businesses on account of the popular app," said Main Street Director Ellen Hill. "We hope the Pokémon craze will draw new visitors—in addition to those who haven't been downtown lately—to the good food, fun and flavor located in the heart of our city."

Citizens may visit the Valdosta Main Street Facebook page to access a map of PokéStops located in Downtown Valdosta.