Valdosta Police Department Partners with Valdosta Bike Center to Collect Bike Donations for Residents

Though the Valdosta Bike Center has been around for nearly 20 years, Shawn and Melissa Eikenberry recently acquired the shop from the previous owner in January of 2021. The couple’s reputation for their love of fitness prompted the previous owner to approach them in the first place, as they are also the proud owners of Winnersville Fitness. The idea of fixing and donating bikes to the Salvation Army came from a member at the gym, according to Mr. Eikenberry. “He wanted to be a part of trying to get some bikes to kids for the holidays. So, he said, keep the idea in the back of your mind, and when it comes time, he’s willing to donate some money to help us out with that. We took that and ran with it,” he said.

From their time in the shop, Shawn and his family also noticed how many people in the area relied on their bikes for transportation. With their knowledge and ability to fix these bikes, they decided to reach out and ended up partnering with Officer Randal Handcock from VPD. The department ended up donating five bikes that were worked on and sent to the Salvation Army. The Eikenberry family wanted to give the bikes to the Salvation Army because it is a non-profit organization that works closely with people in need. For that reason, they have been able to get in touch with individuals who need transportation and can put the bikes into the right hands.

The first set of donated bikes came at the end of January so, the Eikenberry family started this program less than a month into ownership and does not plan to stop anytime soon. “As long as we have bikes donated, we will keep fixing them and turning them out. We have already delivered four last Friday to the Salvation Army, and they already had a waiting list going for people who wanted bikes. Our goal is to send another 4-5 bikes to them every two weeks,” said Mr. Eikenberry.

The family would also like to thank VPD and the Salvation Army for their partnerships and are thankful to live in a town where everyone is willing to work together for the greater good.

This cause also moved Officer Handcock as he and his family are dedicated to giving back whenever possible. “A few years ago, this community was there for my family and me, and I remember afterward my wife and I talked a lot about a way to give back. I came into this job as crime prevention and community policing. I heard that Shawn and his son were making this donation with the bikes, and I happened to have a few extra, so I made contact, and it was the start of an excellent partnership. You cannot beat the feeling of helping the community, especially for my family and me; this community was there for us, and to be able to return the favor is amazing, and I feel blessed to be able to do so,” said Officer Handcock.

Anyone interested in donating bikes to the Valdosta Bike Center can send them a message on Facebook or call the shop at (229)253-9050. If the donations are local, Shawn and his family are willing to pick up any bikes themselves. Donations can also be made at the Valdosta Police Department.