VPD Successfully Completes Remote Web-Based Assessment for CALEA for Second Year in a Row

Since 1999, the Valdosta Police Department has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement (CALEA).  CALEA is a process in which law enforcement agencies can demonstrate voluntarily that they comply with national standards that enhance and encourage professional excellence.  During the past couple of years, the department has been able to use a web-based program that allows CALEA Assessors to access the department’s CALEA files electronically.  This process allows for CALEA files to be reviewed on an annual basis versus triennially.  In the Fall of 2019, VPD participated in their second web-based CALEA review.  A total of 171 standards were remotely accessed and reviewed.  The department was found to be in 100 percent compliance of all standards that applied to the department.

“I am pleased with all the hard work that is done daily by all of our employees to ensure that our department continues to be a professional law enforcement agency.  Our department’s Accreditation Manager, Captain Kari Williams, constantly works to maintain our agency’s compliance with the CALEA standards.  We appreciate our city leadership and the citizens of our community in support of our department maintaining our CALEA accreditation.”  Chief Leslie Manahan.