VPD Recognizes Service and Promotions

The Valdosta Police Department honored nine personnel during a Promotion, Service and Department Awards Ceremony on Oct 8. City officials, government employees and citizens gathered to honor the dedicated service of the outstanding men and women who make up the city's police force.

"When you have someone that has given their life, 20 to 30 years to this department is outstanding. They need to be recognized for a job well done," said Interim Police Chief Leslie Manahan. "The two individuals who received the lifesaving award truly did save lives with their actions. They have shown us their commitment to law enforcement while on or off duty. We are so proud of them."

The full list of awards and promotions celebrated at the ceremony are as follows:

Promotion to Sergeant

  • Sgt. Brett Boyd
  • Sgt. Colby Clark

30 Year Service Award

  • Captain Patricia McGriff
  • Lieutenant Earl Durrance

20 Year Service Award

  • Sgt. Alex Adair
  • Sgt. Billy Wheeler
  • Officer Lynly Penn

2018 Lifesaving Award

  • Officer James Turner
  • Crime Scene Tech. Tracy Haddix

Visit the city's Facebook page to view images of the event.

The city congratulates these incredible police personnel for their long-standing efforts to protect and serve Valdosta citizens, day in and day out.

Captain Patricia McGriff has been with the police department for 30 years. She started as a Patrol Officer and was promoted through the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain.

Lieutenant Earl Durrance has also been with the department for 30 years. He started as a patrol officer, worked on the Traffic Unit, and was promoted to Sergeant over Traffic, then Lieutenant on shift. Currently he is the Lieutenant over Specialized Units to include P.S. and Traffic, and SRO's.

Sergeant Alex Adair has been with the department for 20 years. He first worked on the Traffic Unit and Crime Lab. Currently, he is a sergeant on C Shift.

Sergeant Billy Wheeler has been with the department for 20 years as well. He has worked Road Patrol, and has been a member of Bicycle Patrol, Crisis Negotiations Unit and Tactical Robot Unit.

Officer Lynly Penn started as a Patrol Officer 20 years ago, and has been a Person Crimes Detective. He is currently at the Valdosta Regional Airport.

On April 21, 2018, Officer James Turner responded to a single vehicle accident on Norman Drive. He found the driver of the vehicle unconscious and not breathing. Officer Turner also could not locate a pulse. He pulled the victim from the vehicle and administered CPR while additional emergency personnel arrived. Paramedics were able to detect a heartbeat and the patient began to breathe on their own. The patient was taken to SGMC and continued to improve several days later. The quick and decisive actions taken by Officer Turner proved instrumental in preserving the life of this citizen.

On Saturday, May 12, 2018, CST Tracy Haddix was off duty and was hiking with family in Pine Mountain, GA. While walking on a trail, she encountered an unconscious male who appeared to have collapsed while hiking thus striking his head. CST Haddix notified park personnel about their location and person's condition as she began to stabilize the victim. Harris County Emergency Management personnel stated the victim apparently had a heat stroke. The victim has since recovered from this medical emergency. CST Haddix's quick and decisive actions were instrumental in preserving the life of this gentleman. CST Haddix displayed the selfless act of jumping into a situation even when off duty. She truly exemplified that officer's never truly go off duty as they will "Serve and Protect" no matter the situation.

Sergeant Colby Clark began his career at the Valdosta Police Department in September 2009 in the Bureau of Patrol. In 2012, he transferred to the Bureau of Crimes Against Property Unit until he transferred to the Crimes Against Persons Unit. In 2018, Detective Clark was promoted to the rank of Sergeant over the VPD Narcotics Unit. Sgt. Clark is also a member of the Crisis Negotiations Unit.

Sergeant Brett Boyd began his career at the Valdosta Police Department in August 2015 in the Bureau of Patrol. In July 2018, Officer Boyd was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the VPD Training Unit. He has been in law enforcement for 10 years. He started his career in Gwinnett County. Sgt. Boyd is also a member of the Tactical Operations Unit.