VFD Receives $21K Homeland Security Grant for GSAR

IN PHOTO: Ronnie Register (far right), Georgia Search and Rescue Coordinator for the Georgia Emergency Management Agency, presented a $21,000 Homeland Security Grant check to Valdosta Fire Chief Freddie Broome, who is accompanied by Assistant Fire Chief Brian Boutwell.

The Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) presented the Valdosta Fire Department (VFD) with a Homeland Security Grant check for $21,000 on Sept. 15. This funding is designated by GEMA for the maintenance of the Georgia Search and Rescue (GSAR) truck and equipment and to continue to support the life-saving mission of the GSAR team in our region of the state.

The VFD was designated in 2008 to serve as the location for the GSAR Task Force 2 and over $1 million in emergency response equipment. The Task Force 2 team is made up of local fire services personnel, as well as those from several South Georgia fire departments. Collectively, the resources of Task Force 2 serve the emergency training and response efforts for the southwest portion of the state of Georgia, and elsewhere as assigned by GEMA.

According to Fire Chief Freddie Broome, the VFD applies for the Homeland Security Grant annually to assist with the maintenance of the local GSAR resources. The amounts received are different each year, as GEMA divides its statewide allotted GSAR funding among the nine GSAR Task Force Teams in the state.

"The Valdosta Fire Department is proud to house Task Force 2," said Chief Broome. "We are fortunate to receive this funding each year to specifically ensure that the skilled and trained GSAR members and the emergency equipment are ready to respond to any emergency in our city, region or state as needed."