VFD Chief Freddie Broome Receives Certification from GAFC

In Photo: Valdosta Fire Chief Freddie Broome received one of the first Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs (GAFC) Certifications from Chief Dwayne Jamison, 1st Vice President of GAFC, on April 12, 2016.

On April 12, 2016, City of Valdosta Fire Chief Freddie Broome joined 14 fellow chiefs as one of the first certified by the Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs (GAFC) during the association's 2016 Spring Executive Training Session in Savannah.

Certification applicants must meet four prerequisites, including holding a Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training Council (GFSTC) State Certification in at least one of the current Fire Service Certifications and serving as a minimum of a Battalion Chief or Division Supervisor.

"Through this certification process, the GAFC recognizes that Chief Broome is one of the very best Fire Chiefs in the state," said City Manager Larry Hanson. "His education, extensive training and experience make him a successful leader. It is this leadership and the teamwork of the men and women of the VFD that helped propel the department to a recent ISO Class 1 rating—the highest rating possible. We are honored to have Chief Broome represent the Valdosta Fire Department and the City of Valdosta."

Applicants were also assessed on a point system reflective of their years of service, higher education achievement, level of fire office certifications, recognition for additional credentials, and the completion of the Chief Fire Officer Level eight-hour classes.

"We developed this program to ensure that the fire departments in the state of Georgia have qualified, credentialed, and professional leaders and managers overseeing their departments and personnel," said 1st Vice President of GAFC Dwayne Jamison.

Dating back to 1952 and based in GMA's Atlanta office, GAFC works to advance fire services in Georgia and represents more than 700 chief fire officers statewide.