Valdosta Police Department Receives Stop the Bleed Training from EMS

During the week of February 10th – 13th, 2020, officers from the Valdosta Police Department completed Stop the Bleed training. The training was provided by Emergency Medical Service Captain Ronda Vanek and her co-workers. The class is sponsored by the Georgia Trauma Commission. The program focuses on severe trauma bleeding and how to control it. The program was first designated for schools in the event of an “Active Shooter” and how to stop the bleed when injured during one of these traumatic events. Captain Vanek explained that schools within our jurisdiction have completed the course and wanted to get this information out to our officers.
The use of CAT-Tourniquets, packing gauze and chest seals was discussed and a practical exercise using the tourniquets was also performed by every member of the department that attended. Captain Vanek delivered 136 Individual First Aid Kits (IFAKs) to the Valdosta Police Department, which have been distributed to all sworn officers that attended the course.

“We are extremely grateful for this training and equipment. It gives our officers more tools and knowledge to provide life-saving measures to not only our citizens but to our officers if they were to receive a traumatic injury. " Lt. Scottie Johns