Special Recognition of Senator Ellis Black by the Georgia Municipal Association at Valdosta City Council Meeting

On September 6, 2018 Georgia Senator Ellis Black was honored at the Valdosta City Council meeting for selected by the Georgia Municipal Association as a "Champion of Georgia's Cities" for the 2017-2018 term of the Georgia General Assembly. This award comes after Black's hard work to advance legislation to enhance deferred compensation retirement programs for municipal employees.

Senator Black sponsored and guided Senate Bill 333, the Deferred Compensations Plan Bill, through the legislative process. This Bill allows local government officials across the State to adequately plan and prepare for retirement through varied savings options.

Justin Kirnon, Senior Governmental Relations Associate with the Georgia Municipal Association, presented the award to Black at the September 6 council meeting. Kirnon acknowledged the work that Senator Black has done to benefit the cities of Georgia.

Created in 1933, the Georgia Municipal Association is the only State organization that represents municipal governments in Georgia. Based in Atlanta, GMA is a voluntary, non-profit organization that provides legislative advocacy, educational, employee benefit, and technical consulting services to its members.

GMA's membership currently totals 521 municipal governments, accounting for more than 99% of the state's municipal population. A 63-member Board of Directors, composed of city officials, governs GMA. Program implementation is charged to the Executive Director and staff of 91 full-time employees.