Safety Message from Valdosta Police Chief

Valdosta Residents,

Please help us help you Sunday night and Monday. Let's stay off the road as much as possible late Sunday night and all day Monday until the hurricane passes over us. We will have double the amount of officers on our streets starting late Sunday night and all day Monday.

But here is the problem: we are expecting winds from 40 MPH to as high as 70 MPH; this could be higher. Wind gusts can make that speed even higher. Our research shows 60 MPH winds can be strong enough to turn over cars. This means there may be serious delays in my officers getting to you and this could mean even hours in delays. Winds are expected to reach approximately 70 MPH Monday.

So PLEASE stay home and off the roads. We will do everything to get to you but let's make it safer by staying home if you can.

Anyone in mobile homes, campers, and/or recreational vehicles are asked to evacuate those homes/vehicles.

If you do not have suitable shelter, we are asking that you evacuate. Shelters at this time are posted at

We love our community and you all. Help us help you. Please spread this and share it.

Your Chief,

Brian Childress