North Ashley Street Signal Upgraded at Woodrow Wilson Drive

A change is coming Tuesday, May 30 to the intersection of North Ashley Street and Woodrow Wilson Drive as a flashing yellow arrow signal replaces the old five-section signal.

View Fashing-Arrow Video

The signal will no doubt be familiar to Valdosta drivers as the Georgia Department of Transportation has already upgraded other intersections on North Ashley and North Patterson streets.

As a reminder, remember:

  • A solid red arrow means don't turn left. Stop.
  • A solid yellow arrow is a warning the light is about to turn red. Drivers should prepare to stop.
  • A flashing yellow arrow allows a left turn only after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians. This is a "permissive" turn. Oncoming traffic has a green light.
  • A solid green arrow provides a "protected" left turn. Oncoming traffic has a red light.

FYA signals are the Department's preferred left turn signal for the convenience and safety of drivers.