Local barbers partner with Valdosta Councilwoman to offer free haircuts before first day of school

On Monday, August 6, Councilwoman Vivian Miller-Cody partnered with two local barbers to offer free haircuts to more than twenty kids at the Robert Jenkins Community Center.

"I just wanted to give back to the kids because you never know who you can help. This prepares them for success," said Barber Hilton Lee, whose Barber Shop is located at 602 N. Oak Street.

Lee partnered with another barber, Toshiyana Jackson, to offer the haircuts on Monday.

Councilwoman Miller-Cody said this shows two people within the city who are a perfect example of the city's new campaign "Love Where You Live." Not only is that campaign aimed at anti-littering, but it is also about taking pride in the community you live in and serving Valdosta.

"I am so excited that I reached out to these barbers and they were interested in giving back to their community. These kids would not have gotten a haircut if they had not given their time. Both Lee and Jackson love their community and giving back to the kids," said Miller-Cody.