Illegal Parking in the City of Valdosta near VSU's Campus

The City of Valdosta is enforcing its Residential Parking Overlay District around Valdosta State University's campus to cut down on illegal parking.

"This ordinance is always in effect, but since there is a new freshman class of students attending Valdosta State this fall, we need to make them aware of the ordinance as far as parking in the neighborhoods surrounding VSU," says Vanassa Flucas, Neighborhood Development Manager.

Violators of the ordinance will first be notified on where they can and cannot park. The first warning issued is a door hanger placed on the vehicle. Code enforcement staff hope to educate citizens on the penalties of illegal parking in that area. If someone is caught illegally parking in that area a second time, there will be a parking ticket attached to the information flyer. The consequences include fees and/or impoundment of the vehicle.

You can view the map of the Residential Overlay Parking District :

According to the city's ordinance, vehicles are not allowed to be parked on the lawn or landscaped area of residences in the Overlay District. The city ordinance states that vehicles must be parked on an improved surface which includes asphalt, concrete, gravel, pavers, or approved organic materials provided that any loose materials shall be contained in a defined area with a suitable raised border provided by landscape timbers, pavers, crossties, etc. No more than five (5) motor vehicles can be parked in the front yard of any residence, and the parking area cannot exceed 25% of the total front yard area. Any site improvements to accommodate front yard parking must first be reviewed and approved by City Staff.

The goal is to protect citizens living in the areas and also to maintain the residential environment of the neighborhoods surrounding VSU.

If you have any questions, please contact City of Valdosta Neighborhood Development at (229) 671-3617 or Community Protection at (229) 259-3554.

Residential Parking Overlay District Map by Ashlyn Becton on Scribd