If I Were Mayor Contest Kicks Off

All Hands Up

Mayor John Gayle inspired 6th-grade students at Valdosta Middle School to enter the "If I Were Mayor, I Would…" essay contest during his Feb. 15 visit. Students enthusiastically raised their hands to agree to enter the essay contest. The deadline for the contest, sponsored by the Valdosta Youth Council, is Friday, March 10. Read more.

Winston Speaks Up

During Mayor John Gayle's visit to Valdosta Middle School on Feb. 15, he asked sixth grader Winston Edgerton what he would do if he were mayor. Edgerton replied that he would make sure that his city stays in order and that he would continue to grow Valdosta into the best place to live. The mayor's visit encouraged students to sign up for the "If I Were Mayor, I Would..." contest by Friday, March 10. Read more.